Studio Z $80 Per Hr
Engineer Included


Studio X $60 Per Hr
Engineer Included
Studio X Room Rental
No Engineer $40 per hr
We have 2 recording studios. Studio X is $60 per hr Engineer Included. Studio Z is $80 per hr Engineer Included.
We can do a room rental in studio X if you don't need an engineer and provide your own to run the session. The rate for the room rental is $40 per hr

We Mix and Master on the spot during your recording session so there's no additional fee but If you want us to Mix and Master your song recorded at another studio, we typically can Mix and Master it in 2hrs in either Studio X or Studio Z at our hourly studio rates respectively.
Mixing is one of the best investments you can make for your album. A good mix allows for every instrument to be heard properly through speakers and in different listening environments.
At MGB Music we offer radio ready mixes.
Mixing prices will vary depending on the amount of track out stems, how many artists are on each song, quality of the recording and genre of music.

Music Production
We specialize in music production and making beats.
You can check out our beats at Beatstars.com or Contact us to make you a Custom Beat or Produce a song for you.
MGB Music offers more then just a studio to record at.
Working with a producer will take the production to the next level. Michael Gene Binder has 15+ years of experience in the studio environment, and is a true professional. He will make sure your project is recorded and produced to it's maximum potential.
Contact us for more information on music production.

We Mix and Master on the spot during your recording session so there's no additional fee but If you want us to Mix and Master your song recorded at another studio, we typically can Mix and Master it in 2hrs in either Studio X or Studio Z at our hourly studio rates respectively.
Mastering is the last step in the recording process.
We make sure the overall levels of the songs are evenly balanced from track to track, transitions from song to song have the right amount of gap time, and the equalization of the songs are correct for radio ready quality. We typically include mastering in the mixing process, but if you have a song already mixed and would like to have it mastered, we can help.
Book a mastering session today!
Custom Beats

We specialize in music production and making beats.
You can check out our beats at Beatstars.com or Contact us to make you a Custom Beat or Produce a song for you.
MGB Music offers more then just a studio to record at.
Working with a producer will take the production to the next level. Michael Gene Binder has 15+ years of experience in the studio environment, and is a true professional. He will make sure your project is recorded and produced to it's maximum potential.
Contact us for more information on music production.
Studio Policies, Terms & Conditions
To schedule a session there is a 50% deposit due at the time you book that will go towards the payment of the session. If we don’t receive the deposit at the time you book we will not hold the slot for you. The deposit is non transferable or refundable unless given a 24 hours notice prior to the scheduled session. If a session is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, it will result in the loss of the deposit. Deposits can be taken over the phone using a credit card, cashapp, apple pay, venmo and paypal.
Studio X $60 per hr engineer included
Studio Z $80 per hr engineer included
(There is a 2hr minimum for all sessions booked). We MIX and MASTER your music on the spot during the session. To schedule a session there is a 50% deposit due at the time you book that will go towards the payment of the session.
Tabacco/Cannabis Use
We charge a $40 air out fee for tobacco products smoked inside the studios. (Cannabis IS ALLOWED to be smoked inside the studio with no additional air out fee unless its smoked with tobacco products like backwoods)
Please contact us If you plan on having more then 7 people attending your session as there will be in increase in the hourly rate depending on the number of people.